Trever Vella Chartered accountant

NOTE: The practice of Trevor Vella & Co Pty Limited is being wound down and no new assignments are being undertaken, other than in connection with formal Collaborative Law practice (see here). Trevor wishes to thank all those who have supported the firm over the past 18 years.

Northbridge, Sydney, Forensic Accountants, Trevor Vella & Co, specialise in producing independent accounting expert reports, particularly in the area of Family Law related business valuation and investigation.

Trevor Vella & Co was established in 2007 after more than 20 years’ experience in the areas of business valuation and forensic accounting.

Asset Pool Valuations

Trevor Vella & Co provides valuations of businesses, superannuation schemes, shares and financial assets, particularly as they relate to Family Law proceedings. This work often entails investigation into such entities as family businesses, family trusts, professional service enterprises and minority interests. Work may also uncover transactions intended to deplete the property available for division.

Forensic Accounting

Family law related forensic accounting undertaken by Trevor Vella & Co. can involve such work as account of profits assessment; tracing of monies; investigation of related party dealings; assessment of damages; measurement of restitutionary claims; analysis of project outcomes and analysis and reconstruction of financial statements.

Trevor Vella & Co - Chartered Accountant - Northbridge

Established by Trevor Vella in February 2007, Trevor Vella & Co enjoys a solid reputation as a professionally run valuation and forensic accounting practice specialising in the provision of independent expert financial reports primarily in the area of Family Law.

This followed upon a professional life of more than 30 years including 14 years as a partner at Horwath Sydney Partnership (1985-1999) and 8 years as director of Valuation Services for Horwath Investment Services Pty Limited (1999-2007).

Trevor is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and a member of the Law Society of New South Wales. He has a degree in Economics from Sydney University and he has both an Honours degree in Law and a Master of Business degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Technology, Sydney.

The small staff at Trevor Vella & Co bring their own qualifications and experience to bear in assisting Trevor to provide clients with an accurate and reliable valuation and forensic accounting service

Independent Expert Reports

For more than 30 years, Trevor Vella has been involved in Family Law related matters preparing independent expert reports and often critiquing the reports of other experts.

Trevor’s experience has involved work in the following capacities.

‘Shadow’ Expert

When appointed by one party as a Shadow Expert, Trevor’s role is to advise. report and review/critique the report of the Single Joint Expert.

Obtaining the advice of a Shadow Expert is often hugely beneficial in understanding complex matters where the Shadow Expert does not agree with the value given by the Single Joint Expert.

Generally, the appointment of a forensic expert by one party can be critical in better understanding property valuation in Family Law proceedings and obtaining a favourable property settlement.

Single Joint Expert

Where both parties wish to jointly appoint an expert and agree to appointing Trevor Vella & Co, Trevor will require a letter of instruction clearly outlining the scope of the report.

Valuation may cover the entire asset pool of the parties or it may focus on particular assets or liabilities which do not have an easily ascertainable value.

In all property valuation investigations, Single Joint Experts have a duty to be independent and impartial. This objectivity can be crucial in helping parties come to an agreement as to value.

valuation and forensic accounting

Contact us

While we welcome your contact by phone or fax, we invite you to contact us using this form as well.
  02 9958 6482
  0417 462 017
  02 9958 6525
  Address: Level 1, 153 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge NSW 2063
  Mail to: Unit 8, 136 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge NSW 2063.
  Our Office is located off Fred Roberts Lane.
  Parking is available in Bellambi Street.
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Trevor Vella -  valuation and forensic accounting
Trever Vella - Chartered accountant